Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan Lifts “Bel-Air” and “Bright Crimson” Air Jordan Retros

Celebrities get free sneakers, it’s just a fact of life you’ve gotta live with. One of the guys who has been getting hooked up pretty...

By Brendan Dunne January 22, 2014

Hulk Hogan Asks Santa Claus for a Second Pair of Gamma Blue 11s

Pictured next to the world famous 24″ pythons is a pair whose size we don’t know , though the key number is obviously 11.  Here...

By Aaron Hope December 24, 2013

Hulk Hogan Curls a Pair of Air Jordan 3Lab5

And the award for most unlikely sneakerhead of the year goes to Hulk Hogan. Alright, we’re not sure that we can call him a sneakerhead...

By Brendan Dunne October 24, 2013

Hulk Hogan Shows Off More Air Jordan Retros

You know that the sneakerhead culture has really gone mainstream when you’ve got Miley Cyrus begging for a job at Flight Club and Hulk Hogan...

By Brendan Dunne September 25, 2013

Hulk Hogan Flexes His Air Jordans

These days it seems like every celebrity has a pair, or multiple pairs, of Jordans in their rotation. Hulk Hogan is the latest of unexpected...

By Brendan Dunne August 8, 2013