With astro native and multifaceted artist Tom Sachs landing ship within the central cityscapes of Tokyo, Japan, his many notable onlookers — e.g., Yoon of AMBUSH, KB Lee of Emotionally UnAvailable, and quite a few more — across various industries of fashion and art have had the pleasure of taking part in his exclusive tea ceremony. In its zen workings and spiritual surroundings, the event attempts to appreciate, understand, and honor the traditions of the visited country’s culture while outfitting its participants in specially made Nike Solarsoft sandals that take on the classic utilitarian touch made popular and recognizable through the release of the Mars Yard’s many iterations.
Bright yellow in its almost Croc-like execution, the many pairs that sat within the confines of the woodworked shoe case exhibit minimal touches of modification. The weather resistant material hits that sit in exuberance exhibit lifted detailing that form a subtle swoosh across the profile alongside a somewhat bulbously shaped toe cap with the intricately molded sole unit adding comfort through aggressive design. Perforations along the vamp and opening across the midfoot add extra breathability with the Fidlock strap — which replaces the rear ankle support cut off from the original kit — adding that same touch of convenience found on the yet-to-release Overshoe. Grab a detailed look here at the newest entry into the collaborative legacy, and with these likely being a friends & family run, keep it locked in for more information as it arises.
Photos: UNION / fakesickness / Yoon