Previously concerned exclusively with the newspeak’d Suedes States, the Puma Shadow Society colludes to bring us a couple more of the German Cat’s classic silos with a bunch of extra laces in those ominous obelisk bags. The Puma Shadow Society R698 and ZDC82 take us back about two and three decades, respectively, but both show a knack for modern styling with premium suede and leather construction in fresh colorways for fall. These are slated to release alongside matching apparel on Saturday, November 24th (the day after Black Friday), but will you have a place for them in your sneaker/holiday budget even with all the crazy deals and dope pairs soon to be available? The fairest thing to do would be to check out more photos before you decide, and be sure to stick with Sneaker News for updates on all the latest Pumas.
via Sneaker Freaker