Next to Ray Allen, Mike Bibby might be the king of Air Jordan Player Exclusives. His ties to sneakerhead tendencies goes back to his Wildcats era, and his affiliation with the Jumpman yielded these 2002 beauties – the Air Jordan IX Low in White/Purple (just look at that patent leather glow!). Considering Bibby’s been around the block (Grizzlies, Kings, Hawks, Heat, Knicks), he’s got a wide variety of PE colorways to call his own, so he might even have Ray Allen in the ‘quantity’ category. It’s been a while since we last saw a low-top Air Jordan IX (we’ve already showed you an ‘Away’ Kings and a ‘USAB’), with the patent leather Pearl Blue being featured during one of our Classics Revisited featurettes, so check out the gallery of this sick PE below and bid on these for yourself from k1ckscr3w19 on eBay.