When the Nike Air Max 95 first hit Nike iD half a decade ago, Air Max fans went haywire with the new options to create any type of gradient on the unique 95 upper. However, it will always be the black-grey-white original design that makes the Air Max 95 the sneaker icon it is, so Nike iD has decided to re-create the true OG color-scheme as an all-new Nike iD option. You now have the choice to pick a secondary color – whether you want to go with the OG Neon or select an all new pair to create your own ‘OG’. there are a more pre-set gradient options to choose from, or you can make one all your own if you’ve got a nice vision for a pair. A new upper material titled ‘Metal Snake’ is also available for a new twist on this classic. There’s never been a better time to iD a pair of ninety-fives because Nike has also decided to drop the price a bit as well. Check out Nike iD now and see what creations what you can come up with, and cop a pair once they become available on March 1st.