Why is it that Asia (or any other country that isn’t the U.S.) always gets first dibs on the big-time releases? At Nike Harajuku in Japan, the Air Jordan 25th Anniversary is set to make a huge splash this coming Saturday, March 20th, as the Air Jordan III, IV, IX, and XI will release in tandem. However, Harajuku wasn’t the first to drop ’em, as Mexico’s Shelter released all pairs as well last week. In the states, the Air Jordan III, IV, and IX will release next week on the 27th, while the Air Jordan XI 25th Anniversary hasn’t even sniffed a confirmed release date. For our global readers situated in Japan, head on over to Nike Harajuku and get your hands on a pair (or pairs). via Harajuku.
Style: 398613-102 (Air Jordan III)
Style: 408202-101 (Air Jordan IV)
Style: 302370-104 (Air Jordan IX)
Style: 408201-101 (Air Jordan XI)