Hiking shoes have been met with increasing innovations that remove the bulkiness of outdoor styles while adding extra points in style and comfort. adidas’s latest hiking proposition—the adidas Terrex Swift R3—arrives as an advanced feat by incorporating Lightstrike EVA cushioning and other functional technologies.
This new model indulges in black and grey GORE-TEX textile uppers with various matte overlays atop for a tonal look. Three Stripes and adidas Terrex branding land on the sides as white graphic overlays, contrasting the dark bases. Lighstroke EVA-cushioned midsole delivers not only comfort but also speed to wearers, distinguishing the pair from other hiking models. In addition, the midsole also uses a Pro-Moderator build—a system that provides lateral stability to protect the midfoot from overuse. As for durability, the continental rubber outsole offers the traction demanded by the trails while a rock protection plate on the forefoot further shields the wearer from sharp objects.
Check out the campaign imagery below and then head over to the adidas web store to grab a pair for $130.
In other news under the Three Stripes umbrella, the adidas Ultra Boost 6.0 is dropping on April 22nd.