Sneaker shopping for kids, despite changing times, continues to be as lofty a task as ever, with growing pains and constantly changing tastes increasing the difficulty by metric tons. Bringing the process into the modern realm while simultaneously making life a whole lot easier, Nike has introduced their “Adventure Club,” a first ever subscription initiative that allows parents to regularly swap out Nike and Converse shoes as both fit and style evolves. Serving sizes from 4C to 7Y — or around the ages from 2 to 10 — the package is almost all inclusive with three tiers allowing the option between four pairs a year to a total of twelve. 100 different styles from performance to lifestyle are at your disposal and are sent back to either be donated or recycled; returned to you is a new pair of your choosing with some extra adventure guides, whose contents entail outdoor games and activities, to encourage more active, healthy habits. Take a small peek at what’s in store right below and find it rolling out starting on August 12th.
Nike Adventure Club
Release Date: August 12th, 2019