The Beijing National Stadium was an iconic structure when it was created for the 2008 Olympics but has since been an empty nest with the country deserting the stadium and using it for scrap material. That just happens to be the sad reality of the economic impact the Olympics truly has on host countries. Luckily, customizer KXIV has paid tribute to the once magnificent structure created by Herzog and de Meuron by completely recreating the Ultra Boost upper through a crazy textured systematic lacing system that rests on the signature Boost cushioning system. You might remember KXIV from the luxurious Jordan 11 “Thai Architecture” Customs from a few years ago, but this Ultra Boost Nest custom takes the design a step further through 3D printed lace-locks and more. Check out more of this Beijing National Stadium-inspired Ultra Boost Nest custom below and stay tuned for more of the latest adidas updates right here on Sneaker News.