This Saturday, BBBranded in Canada is holding a pretty noteworthy Jordan and sneaker restock featuring a ton of goodies from over the last few years. They do ship across North America, so our U.S. readers should pay attention to this latest info that they’ve put out on the eve of the big day. The restock will begin at 9 AM EST between 10 AM EST, which means that all of the Air Jordans will not be immediately available right at 9 AM. However, the shop guarantees that all of the confirmed restocks will be available at some point during that hour, and any order with more than one item in card will be automatically cancelled (you can, however, check out multiple times). They’re staggering the release as a means to avoid a traffic jam on their online store, which at this point seems inevitable. For more information, check out the store’s official FAQ as well as the restock preview video below.
Update: BB Branded confirms that the restock has been cancelled due to circumstances out of their control.