We’ve been asking for it, and now Nike is finally bringing it back. The shoe at the top of pretty much every running shoe collector’s lists, the Zoom Talaria, is finally returning in original form for the first time since its initial release in 1997. The neon yellow (before Volt was called Volt) felt colorway has become a thing of legend over the years, with any one owning a pair being envied by all those who don’t. The return of the Talaria is unveiled with the revival of the classic “phone number” Nike ads, seen here via NikeLab. Call the phone number provided, and you’ll hear a message from the man who designed the Talaria, Tinker Hatfield himself, on creating the shoe and its return this month on March 31st. Stay tuned to Sneaker News for more details on the anticipated return of the Zoom Talaria.
Nike Air Zoom Talaria
Release Date: March 31st, 2016
Above: Nike Air Talaria from 1997