New Balance‘s retro running models are often synonymous with quality, but the latest collaboration with British bench-made shoe-makers Grenson takes that patented quality to entirely new heights. It took two factories to make this one collaborative shoe, as different processes alternated between the famed UK Flimby factory and Grenson’s own shop nearby. Grenson brought their best Italian grade-A calf-skin leather to the table, as the material was shaped and worked over at Flimby into the recognizable New Balance 576 and then was shipped back to the craftsmen at Grenson for signature broguing and burnishing. In what NB is calling their most ambitious sneaker ever made, the trend of luxurious sneakers is exceeded with this forthcoming collaborative effort. You can pick up this Grenson x New Balance 576 as soon as this Saturday, January 9th from Grenson, and the shoe will then open up to a global release on January 23rd. Price details coming soon.
Grenson x New Balance 576GRB
Release Date January 9th, 2016 (From Grenson) January 23rd, 2016 (Globally from New Balance)
Price: TBD