The legend of Michael Jordan began at one Laney High School. By now you’re well familiar with the story of how MJ wasn’t quite tall enough to make his Varsity squad and how the move propelled his notorious work ethic from that point onward. Now Jordan Brand’s 30th Anniversary arrives at Laney High to transform the gym in an homage to three decades of excellence in the Jumpman narrative. Jordan Brand not only helped refurbish the Michael Jordan Gymnasium, but also provided high school players participating in the annual Fred Lynch Invitational basketball tournament with opportunities to try out the latest Air Jordan XX9, Jordan Super.Fly 3, and Jordan Super.Fly 3 PO models. The outside of the gym was transformed into a Hall of Greatness featuring artifacts from MJ’s early relationship with Nike. Check out a recap of the Fred Lynch Invitational and the refurbished gym below and stay tuned for more Jordan updates right here on Sneaker News.