Blake Griffin helped lift his team to a rousing victory over the visiting Phoenix Suns Monday night with a towering 45 points performance. With just a few ticks remaining, and Blake resting on a stellar 42 point output, he nailed a very whimsical 3-pointer that would lead his team to victory. This feat was accomplished with Griffin’s feet squarely planted in a pair of Jordan Super.Fly 3‘s – not exactly the All-Star’s signature shoe, but more or less his by all accounts. A new monochrome scheme of the hoops silhouette has emerged, highlighted by predominately black and white tones with slight hints of grey at the rear. Not exactly Clippers centric, more so related to the team they’ll need to overcome to champion the western conference. Give these Jordans a look below and pick up a pair now on eBay.
Source: 95soleman