In an effort to bolster their burgeoning baseball imprint, New Balance has created their Unlaced video series, which follows their four signature athletes through their routines that led them to be professionals on the baseball diamond and their lifestyles off of it. The first episode of the twelve-part series features a surprising sneakerhead in the Tampa Bay Ray’s Evan Longoria. And while his signature performance sneaker with New Balance is headed our way in the near future, he’s also been working directly with New Balance lifestyle for a collaborative effort that puts his sneakerhead tendencies to the test for April 2015. The video shows Evan mulling over different distinct NB models like the resurgent New Balance 530 as well as some notable collabs of the past (Concepts, Bodega, and WEST NYC to name a few) so hit the click for a preview of what’s to come and let us know if you’re excited in the comment section.
Source: NB Unlaced