Remember the Reebok Shaq Attaq “Suns” that’s releasing next month? As it turns out, Reebok has officially dubbed the pair the “Big Shaqtus”, a reflection of Shaq’s new nickname that he picked up when he first headed out to Phoenix. This new set of shots places them in proper context, reflecting the desert enivornment that O’Neal was transported to for a quick spell back in 2008. Continue reading to see the Reebok Shaq Attaq “Big Shaqtus” (Which will hit at retailers like Jimmy Jazz, DTLR, Villa, Shoe Palace, Shiekh, Shoe City and Reebok) in better detail and then tell us if you’re grabbing them next month.
Reebok Shaq Attaq
Release Date: 10/04/13
Price: $140