The adidas Mutombo will return to retail shelves this Saturday, August 24th. The sneaker represented a different time in sneaker culture when it wasn’t a rarity to see a center with marketable sneakers. After the departure of Patrick Ewing left adidas to scramble for another marketable athlete to carry their basketball line, Dikembe Mutombo’s dominant presence in the paint and unique shot blocking ability presented a rare opportunity for an original sneaker, the likes of which we’ll never see again. After a 20 year hiatus, the original colorway that paid homage to Dikembe’s African heritage with its shield logo dually representing his defensive abilities makes its way back to the forefront with its iconic patterned upper. Continue onward to get a better look at this upcoming adidas release and see if you can pick up the adidas Mutombo early on eBay.
adidas Mutombo
Photos: Sneaker Politics