Since we’ve hit the halfway mark for 2013, now seems as good a time as any to talk about the best sneakers that have released in the half-year. And the always compiling team at Complex seems like as good a group as any to do it. They’ve put together what they’re calling The Best New Sneakers of 2013 So-Far, a group that keeps things focused on brand new designs (No retros allowed). Continue reading to see the sampling, which includes a few you might not have seen coming like the Nike P-Rod VII and the Jordan Trunner Pro Dominate, and tell us how you feel about Complex’s ranking. And then, make sure you get the full list from Complex Sneakers.
10. adidas Energy Boost
9. Nike Free Trainer 5.0
8. Nike Lunar Gato II
7. Nike SB P-Rod 7
6. Jordan Trunner Pro Dominate
5. Nike Huarache Turf Lax
4. Nike KD V Elite
3. adidas CrazyQuick
2. Air Jordan XX8
1. Nike LeBron X Elite