It’s about time the Vandal High some notice with these special edition releases, don’t you think? The Vandal is definitely one of the sleeper hits from the 80’s – an era that produces today’s NSW classics like the Air Force 1, Dunk, Court Force, etc., but the Vandal managed to elbow its way to the spotlight thanks to a series of understated releases like the ‘Tearaway’ joints by Geoff McFetridge, that purple canvas/silver swoosh joint (and that famous photo from Niketalk – OG heads know what we’re talking about), and several more that honestly don’t get the props they deserve. Does this ‘Area 72’ have enough to boost the Vandal back to the top? Check out the gallery below and let us know if you’re aiming for these next week.
Nike Vandal Premium QS
Black/Black-Total Crimson-Violet Force
Photos: ameblo