The smoke has cleared and the dust has settled. Do you have your Nike Air Yeezy 2’s? It was no secret going into this weekend that this was set to be the biggest release date in a while, if not of all time. The ‘Galaxy’ fever that went around earlier in 2012 served as a bit of a precursor, showing to what lengths people were willing to go to to get their hands on some sneakers. Following that release, an event that plenty of mainstream media outlets picked up, Nike started shuffling things around a bit, imposing their new Twitter RSVP system, a system that seemed tailor made to avoid the same type of stuff going down when the Nike Air Yeezy 2 inevitably arrived.
Did it work? Well, sorta. Most official Nike doors managed to shake off the lineups and such, with the handful of premium Nike Sportswear spots that did have them here in the US opting for the Twitter RSVP option on their pairs (it was either that or try your luck at Nikestore). The raffle system was also a popular choice, with big box stores like Footlocker’s House of Hoops franchise doling out the chance to purchase via email raffle, and many boutiques passing out tickets, wristbands, and the like. A few spots around the world proved however that you can have campouts without chaos, like Social Status in NC who treated their patrons to a steakhouse dinner complete with their pairs being served up on platters at the end of it all. SoleBox out in Berlin had plenty of folks lined up as well, and Nike Wowsan 107 in South Korea had quite the crowd with a raffle announced via their LED banner. Did you get your pair? Will this release ever be topped? Will the campouts carry on or is something more orderly a necessary step? Click through to check out the full photos from the Nike Air Yeezy 2 release worldwide and let us know what you think in the comments below.
Additional Photos: EU Kicks/IST