Eat your sneaker cakes! Most of the sneaker cakes we’ve shown you have been photographed in their complete, intact, ‘deadstock’ form, so seeing it sliced open at the toe-box and revealing the chocolate cake and strawberry icing innards might make your cringe just a bit. This special cake was the centerpiece of the surprise birthday part with a ‘Celtics’ theme, and what better sneaker to use as the model for a cake than the Air Jordan XIII ‘Ray Allen’? Structurally, the Air Jordan XIII is one of the more intricate ones out there, with the funky midsole and dimpled upper, but this one’s done rather handily, even with the ‘RAY’ PE logo on the tongue. More shots of this great sneaker cake after the jump, so take a look and let us know what you think! via beansietime on NT