Sneaker thievery has been a cause of concern ever since Sports Illustrated reported on the infamous case of the stolen Jordans over two decades ago. However, this latest news development is more than just a quick and clean ‘stick-up’, but rather a heist in which the culprits managed to get away with over $10,000 worth of shoes. The stolen items in question are the Pendleton x Vans x Nibwaakaawin – the collection that was previewed on Sneaker News just two weeks ago; after the Native nonprofit’s Gathering of Nations/All Nations Skate Jam last weekend, during which most of the collection was sold, the remaining units were stolen from Vans from a parking lot in the middle of the night. The profits of this limited edition collaboration directly contribute to the Nibwaakaawin Native and the funds go toward the All Nations Skate Jam in Albuquerque, and only the event coordinators have these shoes on hand. via koat
If you see any of the Pendleton x Vans x Nibwaakaawin 2012 Collection on sale on eBay, forums, or other local swap-meets or online listings, please contact Crimestoppers at (505) 843-STOP (7867).