The Los Angeles Clippers could not be happier about acquiring Chris Paul in the last-minute trade prior to the start of the season, because it appears that the Clippers will see some postseason action for the first time since 2006. Prior to that, ClipTown hasn’t played more than 82 games since 1997, but as long as CP3 is at the helm, the Western Conference just gained a perennial Playoff Contender for years to come. Although Chris has spent most of the season rocking sick Player Exclusives, this April will see the release of one of the cleanest CP3s in history – this White/Metallic Silver that is set for arrival on April 4th. Jordan Brand has provided us with detailed images of this upcoming release so take a good look and stick with us for more CP3.V releases, like the looming Jekyll & Hyde Pack that is tentatively set for a May release.
Jordan CP3.V
White/Metallic Silver