Jordan Brand took their sweet time with ‘Year of the Rabbit’ releases in 2011, extending the Chinese New Year theme far beyond the February holiday and well into the fall months. This time around we’ve seen no indication that suggests a similar follow-up, but the Air Jordan 2012 Deluxe ‘Year of the Dragon’ is indeed moving on its own schedule: a Thursday, February 23rd release that comes a full month after the earliest Lunar New Year in four decades. The water dragon-inspired look will arrive at select JB retailers like Millennium Sports in just a couple of days, but with the NBA All-Star and accompanying ‘Galaxy’ collection about to also hit store shelves, where’s your focus for this biggest of NBA weekends? If you’re locked in on these YOTD’s you can avoid the messy weekend rush by picking up a pair now on eBay.
Air Jordan 2012 Deluxe ‘Year of the Dragon’
Storm Blue/White-Tidepool Blue