There’s a story behind every Bespoke creation, whether its one that’s written in the spur of the moment or scripted over a lengthy period of time. Meet Ryan Chapman, whose heartwarming story culminated into an awe-inspiring Bespoke creation with a plot taken right out of a romance drama; Ryan proposed with a Bespoke (a similar story told by Brandon Renken), but as we all know, everything about a wedding – the proposal, the arrangements, the flower centerpieces – is about her. Ryan’s Bespoke is dear to his fiance’s heart in more ways than one, and beneath the buttery suede and glossy patent leather is a rich tale of love, sport, and how the two add up to success.
Meet Mallory, a world-class athlete who competed with U.S. National Paralympic swim team; a year ago, she was in search of some red/white/blue kicks to wear to the ceremonial podium for the World Champioships, so she and Ryan cooked up a nice Nike iD colorway of the Shox NZ (pictured below). So after a year and several months of dating, Ryan used that sentimental Shox NZ colorway to create a special Bespoke for Mallory with the date of their first encounter engraved on the lace dubrae, and with the ring attached to the golden hang-tag, Ryan made the ultimate pick-up of his life – a beautiful fiance with a love for sneakers and a passion for sports. Ryan was gracious enough to share his story with us, so check out his Bespoke after the jump and let us know if you have any personal sneaker-tales you’d like to share with us.