December has a way of making people go nuts for Air Jordan XIs. We’ve seen riots and sellouts, pre-orders and premium-priced advanced purchases, and this year’s Air Jordan XI ‘Concord’ retro release seems to have more people excited for the days before Christmas than ever before. So just imagine the kind of fanaticism that goes into securing a pair of game worn, autographed original AJXIs! You know, the ones Michael wore during the single greatest season an NBA team has ever compiled?! This certified authentic historical artifact is a reminder of some of the countless ways MJ changed the game of basketball, and you can own this one of a kind collectible for what it’d cost for just about a hundred and forty pairs of the December 23rd release. Click through to marvel at this priceless heirloom and let us know what you think of the BIN price posted by authenticgraphs on eBay.