To this point in history, the vast majority of Nike Blazer High VNTG releases have been cast in a single color of suede with a Sail Swoosh and sole, notable exceptions the most recent pack of Quickstrikes and the two two-packs of leather releases, one of which just dropped about ten days ago. So with that recent Size?-exclusive pack having followed shortly after the mixup QSes, it’s a good time to shake the series to its very core and introduce a brand new material. Actually, it’s not entirely new, because each and every pair of Vintage Blazers has come with a nylon tongue, but these do indeed mark the first time we’ll see them done with nylon uppers. The bold red and blue uppers remind us that it’s been a little while since we’ve seen a nylon Blazer of any kind after this and several other Nike Sportswear models had us calling 2009 the ‘year of nylon’. Click through and you’ll be able to see both pairs in greater detail, then head over to End to pre-order these January releases today.
Nike Blazer High VNTG Nylon