Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A. No, that’s not some kind of strange marching order, but rather a slice of videogame history. The ‘Konami Code’ was introduced in 1986 as a way for dedicated gamers to get an edge in legendary titles like the OG Contra, and while it’s not directly tied to the Super Mario series, the recognition of that pattern can fairly accurately determine if someone was around during the rise of Nintendo’s franchise character. It was all the way back in ’85 that the Big N dropped the Nintendo Entertainment System in the US along with that legendary Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt ‘collabo’, and the graphics on these new Converse Chuck Taylor All Star Double Uppers are taken directly from Sigeru Miyamoto’s first undisputed masterpiece. Click through to see more angles to see how far Mario has come in the last quarter-century and stick with Sneaker News for word on a possible US release (though as of this writing only Japanese retailers like mita are confirmed).