Now that you’ve seen pretty much all that The ShoeZeum has to offer in the first nine parts of our inside look, what’s left to say? You’ve just had a look at perhaps the most impressive sneaker collection on earth. Are there better concentrated collections of Air Jordans or Air Force 1’s or SB Dunks out there? Maybe, but you’d have a tough time finding a single one possessing such a thorough cross-section of just about every collectible Nike genre and category. With The ShoeZeum, Jordan Geller has created a warehouse-size museum-caliber exhibit featuring the best of Nike’s almost 40 year span, and while there may be a handful of notables missing, it does a pretty staggering job of covering ground, especially when you consider that over 99% of the shoes are deadstock and a size 11-12. Since our trip out to San Diego last month, The ShoeZeum was honored by a VIP visit from Mark Parker, Tinker Hatfield and a collection of Nike executives who were just as floored by Jordan Geller’s creation as we were.
You’ve had a chance to see some of the highlights in our Inside The ShoeZeum galleries, but we thought we’d finish strong with two final treats. The first is a video found after the jump that will give you perhaps the best representation of what it’s actually like to make your way through the entire ShoeZeum. Filmed in one take, the video follows the first person path of a visitor entering the building and making their way through every aisle, rack, shelf and shoe. In real time, it took almost an hour and a half to cover both floors of The ShoeZeum, but we sped up the video for you so you can check out the whole thing in 17 minutes. Grab a drink and a snack and take some time to check out a fast-paced stroll through all the wonders found inside.
Over on Sneaker News HD, you can check out Jordan Geller’s Top 30 Sneakers in The ShoeZeum. With the overwhelming magnitude of the 2000-plus shoes found within, it’s easy to overlook some of the gems that get lost in the mix among all those shoes. We asked Jordan to pull his favorite thirty for a better focus on the best of the best. Check out Jordan’s choices along with his commentary on each selection. Thanks for joining us on our trip Inside The ShoeZeum. We sincerely hope you enjoyed it. Love it or hate it, you certainly can’t knock the love, dedication and execution in putting together the ultimate Nike showcase. A big thanks to Jordan for his hospitality and eagerness to share his ShoeZeum and love for sneakers with the world.