Asian sneaker factories are sure to be seen in a different light after this latest feature from Japanese kicks mag Shoes Master. SM went on tour of the locale you can find the first Puma Suedes made entirely in Japan since 1968, and the photos they brought back are just sick. From the factory and its parts to the process of hand-building the Suede and a rainbow of finished products, this look into the limited edition lowtops makes for an interesting view. Click the jump below to see more shots inside the Puma Japan factory and stick with Sneaker News for more features about the ‘sole’ of the sneaker scene. via FNG

Asian sneaker factories are sure to be seen in a different light after this latest feature from Japanese kicks mag Shoes Master. SM went on tour of the locale you can find the first Puma Suedes made entirely in Japan since 1968, and the photos they brought back are just sick. From the factory and its parts to the process of hand-building the Suede and a rainbow of finished products, this look into the limited edition lowtops makes for an interesting view. Click the jump below to see more shots inside the Puma Japan factory and stick with Sneaker News for more features about the ‘sole’ of the sneaker scene. via FNG