The Nike KD line has broken all sig-shoe ‘norms’ with its bargain pricing and league-wide use. Not only does Kevin Durant want his teammates to wear the Nike KD, but he’s a-okay with the rest of the NBA wearing his kicks too. In this new video, Nike Basketball designer Leo Chang discusses the design process of the Nike Zoom KD III, starting with the foundation of the design, which hinges on team unity and camaraderie. Not only did Chang have to design the perfect shoe for Kevin Durant, he also had the challenging task of creating a shoe that would fit pretty much any other player. Focusing on lightweight stabililty and a forefoot-friendly design, Leo has created a shoe that fits Durants cutting/slashing style of play while adding a number of personal touches to the shoe, like representation of his parents, his love for music, his addiction to video games, his hometown and home city, and his team. There’s also a Nike Zoom KD III Microsite in which you can get an in-depth look at all the design and function of the shoe, so be sure to check out the video after the jump and let us know what you think of the design.