With sneaker brands taking cues from streetwear labels and going for a more ‘mature’ look in recent years, we’ve seen a number of woolen and peacoat-inspired sneakers. The navy-inspired look has found its fair share of adopters, and now Converse looks to branch out a bit further with their latest Chuck Taylor colorup. The Converse All Star ‘Duffle Coat’ does just what its name would suggest, but even then, you might not expect the walrus teeth to be this big. They’re of the size you’d see on an actual duffle coat, which means they’re pretty well oversized for a sneaker, and this contrast of sophistication and ostentatious design makes for one of the more interesting winterized kicks this season. We have more pictures after the jump and expect these two pairs to hit US One Star retailers soon; they just arrived at Japan’s FLAUGE.