If you had the time, money, and determination, would you go on a hardcore sneaker jaunt, scouring every mom and pop shop of a major region of your country? Who knows what gems are hidden in stock rooms and basements around the world. Jukka Lehtinen of Karhu Originals (a Finnish sports brand born in 1916 with major seniority over Nike, adidas, and Reebok – Karhu sold the three-stripes logo to adidas) went out to the Scandinavian region on a business trip but set off to discover the sneaker underworld, looking for cheap deals on vintage heat. He found ton of vintage deadstock runners, boots, trainers, and athletic shoes of all kinds from Nike, adidas, and Karhu – he even found a pair of Karhu runners with the three-stripes logo, dating the shoe back to before the logo was officially sold to adidas in the 1950s. A thorough search left Jukka with a goldmine – but unfortunately for him, he was unable to carry everything back at once, meaning there’s still a ton left for you to pick out (that’s if you’re in fact in the Scandinavian neighborhood). Check out some of his finds after the jump and head to SneakerFreaker for the full feature!