The Infrared vs Varsity Red debate is one of the more intriguing developments in sneaker culture in recent memory. Sneakerheads have alternately praised and bashed the Air Jordan VI Retros this year, some need to have all of the Sixes, while others are convinced that a simple marker would be enough to ‘upgrade’. Turns out, there’s another little difference you’ll have to account for when Infrared-ing your V-Red AJVIs. With the white pair, these images reveal the Varsity VIs to feature a red Air bubble, while the Infrared joints are white. It looks like they’ll be fine for a good while, too, cos comparison shots between the black/Infrareds set to release next Saturday and the 2000 retro show minor aging on the translucent parts after a whole decade. Click the jump to see even more side-by-sides of the new pack alongside the 2000 Black/Infrared Retro and the White/Varsity Red versions. Thanks to Francis for the pics, and if you want to grab your pack early, get them now on eBay.