Does anyone out there like Infrared Air Jordan VI’s? If so, then we know there are probably a lot of you drooling on your keyboards right now. We’ve already seen some sample images of the upcoming Retro version of the Black/Infra(Varsity)Red Air Jordan VI, but there’s something about seeing a pile of them that kicks the anticipation frenzy up a few notches. Not only do the shoes look great, but sneakerheads who have been in the game for a while are probably happy to see that air-randy is still going strong with his usual enviable supply of early heat. They may be suede instead of nubuck and the Infrared may be a little more Varsity than some would like, but at the end of the day, these still capture more than enough of the OG aesthetic to make them a very hot commodity come January. Keep reading for a bunch more pics of one of the most eagerly awaited Air Jordan releases of 2010, and based on what we’ve seen so far, that’s really saying something.
Release Date: 01/2010
Color: Black/Varsity Red
Style: 384664-061