The Nike Lebron 20-5-5 was the first non-Signature Lebron shoe that was released during the NBA offseason to give Lebron fans, sneakerheads, and basketball players an outdoor shoe that could be worn during the Summer months out on the blacktop. The shoe turned out to be a much bigger success than originall anticipated by the folks at Nike Basketball, as Lebron decided to wear the shoes for a number of different NBA games and USAB games. Now we have a look at an unreleased pair that is straight from one of the Nike factories, this pair comes in Wheat and Gum with a suede/nubuck upper, which may have had some direct inspiration from Timberland boots, none the less this pair never made it to the market but pictures of it have surfaced onto the net via the sample pair that is on sale now at RIFLA. via R.I.F. Los Angeles
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