The adidas TS Creator has made a good amount of noise within the basketball sneaker world this week, having collaborated with long time adidas Remix partner, UNDRCRWN, here are two more adidas basketball shoes that will surely have sneakerheads bookmarking the ebay page if they ever pop up on the auction site. With 2008 being an election year, adidas and the NBA have teamed up to promote voting, so on November 4th (Election Day, make sure you go out and vote) Kevin Garnett will rock the adidas TS Commander while Tracy McGrady will be wearing the TS Creator both featuring these special “Vote ’08” graphics. While both players were adamant about the candidate that they want to support, the NBA would not allow specific candidate endorsements on their sneakers; none the less there is no rule against using a Sharpie on the shoes, so expect to see some writing on the sneakers that day. via Uni Watch
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